Welcome to the Idoru P-1 User Guide. This is the online instruction manual for your P-1 pedal, which we keep updated with new features.
Can't find what you're looking for, or need other support? Send us a message to support@idoru.live . - For a quicker response to any issues, zip up your SD card contents and share it with us via dropbox, wetransfer.com or similar.
Looking for the latest firmware and software updates?
For more information on the Idoru P-1 backing track player, check the main Idoru website: https://idoru.live
User guide contents:
What is the Idoru P-1?
Safety instructionsIntroduction to the Idoru P-1Overview - ports and interfaceConnecting the P-1 at VenuesQuick Start Guide1. Set up your songs in the software
2. Connect your P-1 to the sound system
Controls and connections
Transport controlsControl systemMenus and settingsRouting and mixing
Routing and mixingMIDI
MIDIMIDI exported from Ableton Live
Devices to control the Idoru P-1 via MIDI
Updating the firmware
How to update the firmwareSD cardsWhat kind of SD card should I use?