The Idoru software is used to create songs and arrange them into setlists to be transferred to the P-1’s SD card.
What is a song?
A song is typically one song in your set. On the P-1 it is a set of 16 bit 44.1kHz wav files that will be played together, optionally with a midi file. As well as the levels and routings of those wav files to the outputs. Every song in the same setlist must have a different name. You can have up to 40 songs in a setlist.
What is a setlist?
A setlist is a collection of songs, in a particular order. A setlist also stores the levels and stereo pairing of outputs. You might use a setlist, for instance, as a set of songs prepared for one particular gig. You can store up to 7 setlists per SD card.
What is a session?
A session is a collection of setlists and songs that will be stored on an SD card. When you click ‘Save’ you are saving a .idoru file to your computer, which is a session stored in a format the desktop software can read. When you click ‘Send session to P-1’ the software is exporting the session into a format the pedal can use.
There are 2 main views in the software, the Setlist view and the Song Edit view
User guide contents:
What is the Idoru P-1?
Safety instructionsIntroduction to the Idoru P-1Overview - ports and interfaceConnecting the P-1 at VenuesQuick Start Guide1. Set up your songs in the software
2. Connect your P-1 to the sound system
Controls and connections
Transport controlsControl systemMenus and settingsRouting and mixing
Routing and mixingMIDI
MIDIMIDI exported from Ableton Live
Devices to control the Idoru P-1 via MIDI
Updating the firmware
How to update the firmwareSD cardsWhat kind of SD card should I use?