Import a session from your P-1
The setlist view is where you can create new songs and setlists. You can also save and load sessions, and export the session to your P-1 SD card when it is ready.
Setlists appear as a row with the setlist name and the total duration of all the songs it contains. Clicking the chevron arrow on the right-hand side will expand or collapse the setlist’s songs.
Create a setlist
To create a setlist click on the ‘Create setlist’ button.
Delete a setlist
Right-click on a setlist and select ‘Delete setlist’. Or hover over the setlist and click the delete button that appears.
Duplicate a setlist
Right-click on a setlist and select ‘Duplicate setlist’.
Rename a setlist
Right-click on a setlist and select ‘Rename setlist’. Or click on the name of the setlist. Setlist names can be a maximum of 32 characters.
Songs appear as a row with the song name and its duration.
Create a song
To create a song click on the ‘Create song’ button in the setlist you want to create it in. Or right-click on a setlist or song and select ‘Create song’.
Delete a song
Right-click on a song and select ‘Delete song’. Or hover over the song and click the delete button that appears.
Duplicate a song
Right-click on a song and select ‘Duplicate song’.
Rename a song
Right-click on a song and select ‘Rename song’. Or click on the name of the song. Song names can be a maximum of 32 characters. Only the first 16 characters will be visible on the P-1 display.
Edit a song
Right-click on a song and select ‘Edit song’. Or hover over the song and click the Edit button that appears
Move a song
To re-arrange the order of songs in a setlist or move a song to another setlist, click and drag the song to where you want it, then release.
Send session to P-1
You can put an SD card in the P-1, and connect it to the computer via the P-1’s USB B port. The software will recognise the P-1 and show ‘P-1 connected’ in the bottom right of the screen. The P-1’s display will show ‘USB mass storage mode’ indicating it is now functioning as an SD card reader. Alternatively you can put the SD card directly the computer’s card reader which may lead to faster copying speeds.
When your session is ready, click this button to export the session to your P-1’s SD card. A window will pop up where you can select the SD card’s location (either the P-1 or your card reader), or simply save the exported files somewhere else on your drive if desired. The software will export a file structure that is readable by the pedal, do not disconnect the SD card whilst it is copying files. You can read more about the P-1 files here.
If the P-1 is still displaying old setlists after copying, power off and on the pedal to get the setlists to refresh.
Import a session from your P-1
You can re-import a session that has been exported to the SD card, by clicking the ‘Import from P-1’ button. This will allow you to continue adding to a session if you do not have a backup saved as a .idoru file, or have made edits on the hardware.
- Connect your P-1 to your laptop with a USB cable, make sure your SD card is in the P-1, and then power it up.
- If you already have a session open, the status indicator in the bottom-right of the software UI should turn red and say ‘P1 connected’, and the ‘Import from P1’ button will turn red.
- Click ‘Import from P-1’ in the software.
- A window will open showing your files. Select the SD card which should appear mounted as an external drive (NOTE: Make sure you choose the root of the SD drive, not the setlist subfolders), and then click ‘Import session’.
- The software will import the session that is on your P-1’s SD card. When the import is complete, the software will show the message ‘Session imported’ momentarily at the top of the screen.
- You can now make changes to the session, save it as an .idoru file, or re-export it to the pedal when ready by clicking ‘Send session to P-1’
Note: Importing a session will import all the setlists and song data from the SD card with all filepaths pointing to the file locations on the SD card. The wav files are not automatically copied over to your computer. If your intention is to make a self-contained backup of all the data including the wavs, it is best to copy the contents of the SD card to your computer.
You can only import sessions that have been exported with v.2.0 or later of the Idoru software.
Click the ‘Load’ button to load a .idoru file you have previously saved on your computer.
Click the ‘Save’ button to save the current session as a .idoru file on your computer. Note: Save the file to your computer and not to the SD card. Storing .idoru files on the SD card is not advised and may cause the P-1 to not be able to correctly read the files on the SD.
Save as
Click the ‘Save as’ button to save the current session as a new .idoru file on your computer.
Click the ‘Close’ button to close the current session.
User guide contents:
What is the Idoru P-1?
Safety instructionsIntroduction to the Idoru P-1Overview - ports and interfaceConnecting the P-1 at VenuesQuick Start Guide1. Set up your songs in the software
2. Connect your P-1 to the sound system
Controls and connections
Transport controlsControl systemMenus and settingsRouting and mixing
Routing and mixingMIDI
MIDIMIDI exported from Ableton Live
Devices to control the Idoru P-1 via MIDI
Updating the firmware
How to update the firmwareSD cardsWhat kind of SD card should I use?